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How Can Dissipation of Assets Be Addressed in an Illinois Divorce?

 Posted on July 11, 2023 in Family Law

Dupage County Dissipation of Assets LawyerDivorce can be a complex and emotionally difficult process, especially when it comes to dividing marital assets. In some cases, one spouse may attempt to dissipate or waste marital assets to prevent the other spouse from receiving their fair share of the property the couple owns together. Thankfully, Illinois law provides remedies to address the dissipation of assets and ensure a fair distribution of marital property.

What Is Dissipation of Assets?

Dissipation of assets refers to the intentional wasting, depleting, or hiding of marital assets by one spouse during the breakdown of a marriage or during the divorce process. This can include excessive spending, gambling, giving away assets, or transferring funds to other accounts without the other spouse's knowledge or consent. It is important to note that dissipation can only occur after the marriage has begun to permanently break down.

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Alarming Recent Motorcycle Accident Statistics

 Posted on June 28, 2023 in Personal Injury

DuPage County Motorcycle Injury LawyersIt is well known by riders and non-riders alike that motorcycles can be dangerous. However, a good portion of that risk can be attributed to how drivers in cars and trucks behave around motorcyclists. Many drivers are not as committed to sharing the road safely and responsibly as they should be. Without the protection of an auto body around you, any collision with another vehicle can be exceedingly dangerous. A large percentage of motorcycle accidents occur during the summer time, when the warm weather attracts more riders. While the weather may be safer for motorcyclists when the roads are not icy or snow-covered, others on the road continue to pose a large risk. If you were injured by a careless driver while riding a motorcycle, it is important to speak with a qualified motorcycle accident attorney as soon as possible. Involving an attorney quickly can allow them to gather important evidence from the scene of the accident before it disappears and to interview witnesses while their memory is fresh. 

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Options for People With Temporary Visas in DuPage County

 Posted on June 23, 2023 in Immigration

DuPage County temporary visa lawyerObtaining a temporary visa can be a great choice for those planning a longer visit to the United States. A temporary visa can allow you to stay in the country for quite some time legally. Many people who are coming to the U.S. for business or educational purposes need temporary visas that last longer than most tourists are permitted to remain in the country. Temporary visas are often non-immigrant visas. They are intended for temporary use. However, it sometimes happens that a person visiting on a temporary visa decides they would like to remain in the U.S. after their temporary visa expires. This could be because they are extending their trip, or because they would like to immigrate and become a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. 

If your temporary visa is expiring in the next few months but you do not want to leave the U.S., you may have options. Mevorah & Giglio Law Offices can guide you in choosing the best option for you. 

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What Expenses Are Included in an Illinois Child Support Order?

 Posted on June 19, 2023 in Family Law

Lombard, IL Child Support AttorneysThere are numerous expenses involved in raising children. They can start even before a child is born as parents address the costs of medical treatment during pregnancy, labor, and delivery and purchase baby products. Throughout childhood, parents will be required to pay for things such as clothing, school supplies, dental and orthodontic treatment, and activities, not to mention the ongoing costs of maintaining a home and feeding a family. Married couples will usually combine their incomes and other resources to ensure that their children's needs are met, but when a couple chooses to get a divorce, conflict may arise regarding how various child-related expenses will be divided between parents. In these situations, it is important to understand how parents' child support obligations will address different types of expenses.

Basic Child Support Expenses

The Illinois child support guidelines, which are detailed in the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act (IMDMA), provide a method for calculating a "basic child support obligation" that will take the income earned by both parents into account. Each parent will be responsible for a certain percentage of this obligation. This amount is meant to cover the essential costs of raising a child, including necessities such as food, clothing, shelter, and some ordinary medical expenses.

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When Can Improperly Maintained Equipment Lead to Truck Accidents?

 Posted on June 12, 2023 in Personal Injury

DuPage County Commercial Truck Accident LawyersEvery year, thousands of people are killed or injured in truck accidents, and in many cases, commercial truck crashes are caused by improperly maintained equipment. These accidents can be devastating, leaving victims with life-altering injuries and significant financial burdens. If you have been involved in a truck accident, an experienced attorney can help you determine whether equipment failures occurred and whether the collision was caused by negligence on the part of the truck driver, their employer, or other parties.

Common Types of Equipment Failures That May Result in Truck Crashes

Semi-trailer trucks have multiple types of complex equipment that must be regularly inspected and maintained. Failure to perform maintenance when required may lead to the failure of important systems, and dangerous truck accidents may occur as a result. Some of the most common types of truck equipment that may break down and cause accidents include:

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What Types of Visas Allow a Person to Live in the U.S. Temporarily?

 Posted on June 06, 2023 in Immigration

DuPage County Lawyer Assisting with Temporary VisasThe United States is known as the land of opportunity, attracting millions of individuals and families from all over the globe. There are a variety of options for those who wish to come to the U.S. While some people may receive sponsorship for immigrant visas from family members or employers, allowing them to live in the United States permanently, others may seek temporary visas that will allow for short-term stays in the country. By understanding the types of non-immigrant visas that may be available, individuals can determine their options as they seek authorization to enter the United States.

Categories of Non-Immigrant Visas

Temporary visas will generally allow for a short-term stay in the U.S., and different types of non-immigrant visas will be available for different purposes. These include:

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How Do I Know if Spousal Support Will Be a Factor in My Divorce?

 Posted on June 02, 2023 in Family Law

DuPage County Spousal Support Divorce AttorneysRegardless of the specific circumstances of your case, your divorce is likely to be a stressful experience. Separating from your spouse will require you to make major changes in your life, and the way you handle your finances will need to be adjusted. As you determine how to address financial issues during and after your divorce, you may need to look at the role that spousal support will play in your case. Spousal support, which is also known as alimony or spousal maintenance, is financial support that is provided by one spouse to the other, and it may be paid both during the divorce process and for a certain amount of time after a divorce is finalized. By understanding how spousal maintenance is handled in Illinois divorce cases, you can make sure arrangements will be put in place that will ensure your ongoing financial success.

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Who Is Liable for Swimming Pool or Water Park Drowning Accidents?

 Posted on May 30, 2023 in Personal Injury

Naperville, IL Swimming Pool Drowning Injury LawyerAs summer approaches, Illinois residents are preparing for a variety of outdoor activities, including spending time in and around water. Swimming pools and water parks can provide much-needed relief from the summer heat, but they also present certain risks, including the possibility of drowning. When life-threatening accidents involving drowning occur at swimming pools or water parks, victims and their loved ones can work with a personal injury attorney to determine who may be held liable for failing to protect their safety.

Liability for Drowning Injuries Caused by Negligence

In general, a property owner is responsible for ensuring that their premises are safe for visitors to enter and use. Companies that own water parks or public pools and homeowners with private pools are required to take the necessary measures to protect people's safety, including providing supervision when needed and ensuring that all equipment and facilities are properly maintained. Victims who were injured because of a property owner's negligence may be able to pursue compensation through a premises liability claim or lawsuit.

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How Long Do Immigrants Need to Wait Before Applying for Citizenship?

 Posted on May 26, 2023 in Immigration

Naperville, IL Citizenship LawyerMany immigrants dream of becoming American citizens. Citizenship comes with many benefits, such as the right to vote and the ability to travel internationally with a United States passport. However, the process of obtaining citizenship can be complicated and lengthy. One of the main concerns for many immigrants is understanding how long they will need to wait before applying for citizenship. The wait times will depend on a few factors, and by understanding the procedures that will need to be followed, immigrants can make sure they can attain citizenship as quickly as possible.

Requirements for Applying for U.S. Citizenship

Immigrants can obtain citizenship through a process known as naturalization in which they will submit an application, provide documentation showing that they meet all eligibility requirements, take tests demonstrating a knowledge of the English language and the U.S. government, and take an Oath of Allegiance. The wait times that will apply before a person can apply for citizenship will depend on how an immigrant is classified:

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UPDATE: Parental Authority and Children’s Right to Privacy: Where Is the Line Drawn?

 Posted on May 17, 2023 in Family Law

DuPage County Child Custody AttorneysUpdate: While issues related to children's privacy may be a concern for married couples, most parents in these situations will be able to work together to determine the best approach to take as they raise their children, while also addressing any concerns about illegal or dangerous activity by children. However, disagreements about these issues may complicate a divorce or child custody case, and parents may need to determine how to address these concerns or respond to accusations that they have taken inappropriate actions regarding their children.

When courts make decisions about child custody, they will seek to find solutions that will protect the best interests of the children involved in a case. If a parent has been accused of spying on their child or otherwise violating a child's privacy, this issue could potentially be raised during legal proceedings. For those who need to address these issues, representation by an attorney can be crucial. A skilled lawyer can help a parent respond to claims that they have taken actions that could cause harm to their child and demonstrate that they have acted within the bounds of their parental authority and were focused on protecting their child's best interests. An attorney can also help a parent address concerns about inappropriate actions by the other parent and advocate for solutions that will protect their child against potential forms of harm.

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